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Pro Inventory System - Documentation

Connecting to the project

To connect the system, go to: //Project Settings/Maps & Mode/

Select the following settings:

Connecting your character

To connect a new character, you need to add 3 components, a camera, and 2 skeletons from the standard character shown in the screenshot:

Add an interface BP_Interface, and connect the components in the same way as in the standard interface characters Set Player Speed, Set All Skeletal Mesh. After that, the character is completely ready and it can be connected to BP_GameMode to use.

Parent classes

These parent classes are used to add new items to the inventory:

Creating new items

To create a new item, select the parent class that is most suitable for this item and create a child element. To do this, right-click on the parent class and select the first button Create Child Blueprint Class. Give the created item a name and then go to its settings which are stored in the structure S_ItemInfo:

The sorting settings for the item are in the structure S_Sorting_Info:

In order to assign any actions during the use of an item, an event is provided in it Event On Used an example of the use of which is shown in the screenshot:


The system uses plug-in interfaces:

To work, just add the interface to any Actor and connect the necessary parameters:

Lists of settings


There are also other inventory management functions that are in the BP_InventoryComponent, B_InventoryFunction, BP_InventoryMacro, BP_ObjectMacro in the sections Set and Get


Sorting settings are located in the functions of the component BP_InventoryComponent:
